update of Franciscan U webinars roll off old, add new
finish up Work Request form - need to open a ticket with JotForm
12/30 - 1/13:
TODO: Create new 2025 MSP Schedule
TODO: February Flocknote
12/19 - 12/29:
cleaned up past events 12/23
Sent out January Flocknote 12/20
11/27 - 12/18:
volvo raffle results posted
updated the calendar section - added January events
added special banner since Immaculate Conception became a Holy Day of Obligation after all
archived Marian feasts
added Novena of Aguinaldos
Removed signup for Children's Christmas Mass, they have too many signed up already
keeping calendar up to date
Added banner for Reconciliation
added photo albums, for All Souls Remembrance Mass and Mary our Patroness.
Added link to All Souls Remembrance Mass to Lazarus page.
Regina sent December Schedule out.
Updated Franciscan U info
11/18 - 11/26:
changed "show more or less" button for calendar
added Christmas Tree map and list, set up two columns in tables, view is better, but does not work on phone moving second column beneath the first. Will play some more.
Moved copyright images and info to JotForms. Can search and categorize, but it does not allow for rich text for the description, so URLs are difficult to follow.
Advent is ready, resources and schedule
Sent out December Flocknote
Completely re-did the home pages
added a calendar section with links
moved Events and News beside this new section
moved up daily readings, Flocknote and News to below calendar items
calendar section will expand and collapse to show more or fewer entries
Catechetical Institute was left in place, but takes the full section
Created new buttons toward the bottom for the remaining items from the original Events and News section:
Join Flocknote, Eucharistic Revival and Spiritual Life
Continuing to document image copyrights, considering better ways to display the information.
needed new calendar image, still need to update the Communications Highlights with this new image
Sent request via the USCCB website to use logo, and also to request info on usage of sacramentary readings on the screen in particular for bilingual Masses. 11/9
Updated all site-maps
Prepped Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Caacupé, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Simbang Gabi
The Christmas Concert
Fixed Icon for FoT - in word format, so now I can just replace the background and month
Mass of Remembrance added
Removed Oct Franciscan Univ webcasts
Added St. John Vianney to relics area
Update Lazarus page for the Mass of Remembrance
Dec Holy Hour, ready, will appear 11/15
All Saints Letter from Msgr Joe
Thanksgiving Baskets for Youth Group
Rosary Altar Designer Bag Bingo
Flocknote sent on 10/22
MSP Schedule sent on 10/22
two new substitute Adorers
Added November Franciscan U info, and December, but that is hidden for now.
10/14 - 10/20:
Nov Holy Hour
All Saints Party
Updated Game Night to show it is to be rescheduled
Added Nov FoT
Flocknote updated, sent for review
Updated the Relics page to have copyright free image of St. Faustina
update of blood drive page to add giveaway, updated the events and put on home pages
update of Franciscan U webinars for October
added event and form for Veteran's Mass
added 30 year anniv for Preschool/Prek/KE
Form for 70s/80s dance updated and online
Sent out October Flocknote
Added Halloween Pizza & Game Night
Added Spaghetti Dinner
Oct FoT events online
9/15 - 9/21
Prepping for Oct FoT - requested original artwork from Erica so I can make a thumbnail icon,
Updated Dinner Fundraiser to show orders are closed and when to pick up dinners
Finished updating Respect Life Calendar and Respect Life Website.
Added Fr. Steven's videos, pics added, including from the Ordination.
Prepped August Flocknote
Added FoT for July
Closed registration for VBS
6/24 - 6/30:
Ministry Schedule sent out
Flocknote for July ready for review, sent email
updated it from bulletin:
added additional office closures
added Mass for the Divine Child Jesus
added all the July FoT events
Sent Friday
Updates to our Preschool/KE page
fix HOME info to use signup genius links
added next miracle
working with Regina on sending out schedule
6/10 - 6/16:
created account for Matt Westgate for uploading photos, sent info
took off June 6th FoT event
added link to Fr. Randy's 1st Mass and Ordination in Photos
created July FoT - in coming up News area
Set up HOME for our upcoming Host Week
Put blood drive on home page
Added Quo Vadis with link to diocesan page
added Mass book info and form
6/3 - 6/9:
took off June 1st FoT event
5/27 - 6/2:
Took off BMW
Replaced Easter Season with communications highlight
updated Communications Highlights page
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
5/20 - 5/26:
Sent out Flocknote for June
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
Added Basketball camp, CRE registration, updated CRE website with new form
Setup laptop for ministry signins in the upper sacristy, added links with info to the EM, Reader and AS pages
5/13 - 5/19:
Baptismal Record Form done, on website
remove BMW session 11
Added Preschool/KE Open House
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
Added KofC Golf Outing/Fundraiser
Faith on Tap for June
5/6 - 5/12:
BMW sessions 11&12
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
Added Vacation Bible School
Created signup form, added to website
Added save the dates for ordinations and 6/21 celebration
4/29 - 5/5:
Created donation form for Appalachia Mission Work Camp
Added Multicultural Marian Exhibit event with link to form
Finished up flocknotes - sent
BMW sessions 10&11
set up google drive area in gsuite mostly for photos, in new domain and set it so anyone with link can view, not allowed to download. Also set up Google Photos in this area as well - Google Photos can be downloaded, you cannot disable that.
added pics to both new areas from Easter Vigil. I put the Google Photos album up in our Photo Gallery.
updated BMW - sessions 9&10
added info for West Virginia
updated BMW - sessions 8&9
added Women's Group presentation on prayer to event and their webpage
Updated YG Famine event to show it is over, but can still be donated to.
Replace Octave of Easter with Eastertide
Update Events area
Add 30 Hour Famine, on home page, and YG page, including Form for CC payment
Updated the Eucharistic Revival to highlight the Eucharistic Congress.
Added BMW weeks 7 & 8
CRE - took out old registration form, promised new one coming soon :-)
Update Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour content to match new booklets
Replace large button with Octave of Easter, highlighting Divine Mercy Sunday.
Update Events area
Put note in BMW that next sessions will start after Easter
This weeks Eucharistic Miracle in the bulletin was already listed
Updated large button for Holy Week
Added two events: one for HOME and one for AV/Ushers/Altar Servers
Added two events: for Holy Week/Easter schedule & Divine Mercy Sunday
Broke up Parish Life to become Parish Life and Spiritual Life. There is some overlap, so I have links for those, but mostly the break is pretty clean. The Parish Life listings were too long and eCatholic would not scroll in that area, so if it extended beyond your screen, you were out of luck.
Updated the Lenten and Eucharistic Revival buttons
Added link to Eucharistic Miracles Video tab on Home page (section next to Events)
Updated list of events under lenten schedule
Updated the dates for Bereavement on their webpage and in upcoming Flocknote. Added to events.
No blood drives until October. Updated the Blood Drive webpage.
Karen added the Cabrini movie and Women's Group meeting to events and updated the Women's Group page.
Updated Cabrini event to add trailer and some other info
Added School Enrollment event.
2/25 - 3/2
CALENDAR CHANGES: added new tab called Calendar Guidelines here. Moved info from Proposed Changes tab.
Cleaned up Events and Lenten Scheduled Events - updated button on homepage
added Events - No First Fri Holy Hour, Reception of the Relic of St. Faustina, Night of Recollection, Faith on Tap, Easter Egg Hunt. (Comedy Night & Cursillo were already there)
Prepping April Flocknote - want to get it out early for Palm Sunday & Easter reminders
Added short Eucharistic Miracle videos to the Eucharistic Miracles Presentation page. Could be used for CRE.
Updated BMW to week 2 on homepage
Added Comedy Night info
Added link to Bordeaux miracle
Added Cursillo event
added Patricia F Lisowski to Called Home and Funeral Calendar
Found a way to hide all of the ~Archive news items so "More News" appears less unweildy. I had asked eCatholic if they could make some changes, but they could not. I needed to disable all the pages I wanted to hide, then set up links to get to them to be able to reuse older news items.
Removed request for Living Station Volunteers, both website and flocknote, per Maria Cristina
Created LiturgyCommittee Google Drive to share docs in Liturgy Committee
Sent March Flocknote on the 21st - will need a correction for the Egg Hunt
Calendar Changes:
CALENDAR CHANGES: moved some ministry meetings to General Page with note in subject to intended audience
for not closed groups, i.e.
Men's Group - open to all Men
Women's Group - open to all Women
Youth Group General Meetings - open to all HS
not YG work meetings - where current members would be doing things
Circle of Friends - open to all single 55 and over
Faith on Tap - open to all between ages of 21 and 40
Prayer Shawl Ministry - open to all who knit, crochet, or would like to learn.
1000 Hail Mary's - open to all who would like to pray the rosary 1st Saturdays
For core/business meetings, they would stay under Ministry/Group/Other Calendar
Added KofC/Columbiettes
Added Lenten Mission to homepage and updated the info in Lenten Schedule
Closed Adoration - info on homepage and under Adoration - also sent email to all Adorers
Pancake dinner postponed info one the website
Closed school and CCD info for Tues storm on website, also updated the calendar
2/8 - 2/10:
Added more items to Lenten Schedule, plus link to download pdf of the schedule that Msgr put together
Added Eucharistic Miracles to Events listing
removed Preschool/KE Open House, added Registering now
added week one of BMW
2/2 - 2/6:
Preschool & KE -
Updated session info
moved to the one page with tabs, from two pages with subpages.
modified artwork a bit - including home page button
CALENDAR CHANGE: removed room assignments for CCD and Preschool/KE
set up School (rooms) calendar that has restricted access to show which rooms are occupied - this information should not be public for the protection of the students.
CALENDAR CHANGE: Added new non-private funeral and memorial Masses/Services to that calendar. Room can be reserved either with the Priest assignment or the entry on the funeral calendar. Private Masses/Services can just be on the Priest Calendar as it is now.
CALENDAR CHANGE: Updated the Restricted Access Calendar
Added events:
Randy's Ordination
Diaper Drive
Pancake dinner
Boy Scout award
Blood Drive
Removed events:
BMW signup
Added Be My Witness to HOME page - session 1
Added indented menu items for lent, holy week and Easter Octave - both schedule and resources
Updated Stations on Lenten Schedule page - removed Spanish Stations and replaced with Practice, inviting people to join
Added Eucharistic Miracle Event, Night of Recollection and Penance Service to Lenten Schedule page
Added Button on Home Page for Lent
CALENDAR CHANGE: updated the calendar for Mass Assignments
Added comments to the restricted access calendars for displaying rooms, added color key, also added comments on why some calendars may not display and what to do if that is the case.
Added the Eucharistic Miracles to a tab in the Eucharistic Revival page
Added the Eucharistic Congress signup
Added Eucharistic Revival button for Home Page to replace the January Respect Life button
Cleaned up events
Prepping for Lent, checking links and dates on the schedules and resources, added to the menu for Mass Times
updated the Diocesan Lenten Instructions
Added Word on Fire blog and sermons to Prayer and Meditation page
in the morning cleaned up homepage alert, and removed in the evening. Hid it for now, since another storm is coming.
added alert: Cancellations and closings banner on home page. Also updated calendars.
updated the Bereavement session dates
Added the Preschool/Pre-K/KE Open House to Home Page and all the Education pages.
Modified the header for the new Preschool/Pre-K/KE webpage, modified the calendar to add Alerts so it shows school closings in red
Put up Faith on Tap for January
Msgr's trip to Guatemala - update on collections
Added new Communication Highlight - to explain Called Home, Lazarus & Bereavement
Added button on Home page for the Called Home, ... highlight
Added button for January Respect Life issues - 9 Days for Life, March in Washington and Day of Prayer
Turned Flocknote Communication Highlight into embed from html and was able to add iframe for rss flocknote feed.
Added No Adoration due to storm - flooding
update links under Respect Life, all working now, some had been broken
Added buttons to most calendars to go to the appropriate webpages. For Funerals, added button to join calledhome mailinglist.
set up 2024 for Called Home to God
added Bereavement event
modified the 50/60s dance event - looks better
modified Merry Christmas button to now be both Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Added 9 Days for Life Novena Event along with listing other Jan activities (Vigil, March,...)
Update Respect Life Webpage
Added ORDO for Newark Archdiocese, added links to it on the Liturgical Resources, AV, EM, Reader and Altar Server webpages.
Christmas buttons, removed Advent
Cleaned up old events - pie fundraiser, removed Marian feasts
4th Sunday of Advent buttons
BMW added facilitator link to webpage and events
Sent out flocknote
*** Need to send update about the Epiphany Party
Fixed times for pie pickup, had 3PM, but in announcements it was 2PM
prepping to send out January FlockNote
Prepping for BMW
Added 50s/60s form and events
Sent out preliminary FlockNote for January
Update to third Sunday of Advent
Update Children's Mass signups to show they are closed.
Changed the Calendars to be a tab section
updated the Be My Witness page and added event
Created Form for 50s/60s Dance - in review right now.
Updated Advent schedule page and prepping for 3rd Sunday of Advent
Updated 75th Anniv page, added picture of Quilt
archived past events, added Faith on Tap and moved Penance Service up.
Added flyer to Faith on Tap webpage
updated advent buttons to second Sunday, and advent resources.
Removed IC from Events.
12/5 & 6:
Added the Marian items - buttons and events
Added the Christmas Tree maps
Added the Letter of Invitation
Updated the calendar for December
Update to focus buttons - both are for Advent - one to point to schedules & resources, the other to highlight the week.
cleaned up events - archived past events.
Set up Advent button on Home page, updated Advent Schedule page and dates for Octave of Christmas
Enabled Advent, Christmas and Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God pages - schedules and resources
updated Calendars on the Homepage
Using the marymotherofgod calendars now.
sent out December Flocknote
sent out No Adoration Reminder email
Fixed Pie Sale confirmation email - pickup date was wrong.
KL - add Holy Land gifts to web page
cleaned up events, added new events through the Penance Service
removed 75th Anniv section, added 75th Anniv Mass to Events
removed the Christmas Tree signups, modified the form to display sales are closed in case anyone uses the QR code from somewhere
updated Nov feasts
added Advent Retreat
Finalizing FlockNote
added videos and blog to Eucharistic Revival page, and videos to home page.
added 4th invitation for Eucharistic Revival
added 3rd invitation for Eucharistic Revival, ready to unveil on Friday or Saturday
Added 2 new team members to /parishioner-engagement
added examinations of conscience to the Confession Times page and the Sacrament of Reconciliation page
updated the Project Thanksgiving page with new dates. Added events to YG page, but not home page yet.
updated Holy Day times
added new calendar raffle winners
Finishing up November Flocknote
DD: Now showing Oct 14/15 Eucharistic Revival info
DD: changed highlights to two buttons plus 75th anniv on next row, a pic and description
have link to new calendar raffle winners webpage.
KL: added festival photos
KL: added calendar raffle winners
KL: added candlelight rosary event
DD: updated the feasts shown in feast button
DD: now showing Oct 7/8 content for Eucharistic Revival
KL: added new entrance photo
KL: add the calendar raffle to home page events
KL: added Oct 1 First Responder Mass photos to /photo-gallery
DD: Modified 75th Anniv Fall Fest request for volunteers to be that the Fall Fest is Saturday, kept the volunteer button and made it H2; also modified button to have FALL FESTIVAL info in red on either side of LOGO
Added Eucharistic Revival Webpage and info on the homepage as well
Added St. Francis Hall contact info Event to English Homepage
Added next Solemnity - Sts. Peter & Paul
added links for full year of feasts/solemnities to EWTN information for those days - located under /liturgical-resources - listed the dates for feasts that move each year, i.e. Ash Weds, Easter, Pentecost,...
updated event listings on homepage - removed Patriots, but left it on social events, removed Appalachian work camp, but plan on adding it to button highlight with updated pictures as the event happens. Msgr to send photos.
added Feast of Corpus Christi for button highlight
removed session 12 of BMW, kept link to BMW page for now
Uploaded the new CCD 2023-2024 registration and updated the CCD page and registration page
Cleaned up old events and added CCD Registration is June 1 - Aug 31.
Modified the "Did you know" Communication Highlight to reference Flocknote
Modified the Spiritual Highlight to be Pentecost.
Sent out English Flocknote
updated Be My Witness to list end date of 5/27 for last session, put in link to webpage so people can go back and review videos, songs and readings.
added Somerset County 4-H Fair - Respect Life Table to Respect Life page - Created a sign-up genius for it.
Religious Ed, took down 2023 registration form and said 2023-2024 will be coming soon as per request of Deacon Chris.
Vacation Bible School July 31- August 4. Info in gathering space. Added link to the event on the home page, and updated the image to be the one Samantha provided.
Updated the VBS Registration JotForm. Took a long time since I needed to create two, one for pre-registrations and one for new. Reason is, if someone already filled out a form and are editing it to make payment now that the cost is known, I discovered that payments on an edited form is disabled. I directed all early registrations to a new form for payment and new registrations can use the existing form. The existing form has been modified to contain new pricing, dates, times and theme. Tables in jotform allow you to send custom email to people that submitted forms, so I used that to let all pre-registrants know about the date/time/theme, and how to pay.
New Volunteering Form using Jotform, will need to do a separate form for Hispanic Ministry since they have different contact people and some different ministries, will work with Miriam.
Updated sitemap with new volunteer form link. Kept old page since it has form data.
Just fyi, you can put 4 html non breaking spaces before a page navigation name to make it appear to be under another page, and it will stay visible, did this with BMW and Volunteering.
added Blood Drive description on the Amazon Gift Card procedure
removed April 30th Blood drive event
removed Amazon Gift Card Reward from Blood Drive image, Vitalant website indicates that the reward ends May 15.
kept info about the reward for the April 30th drive
added Midland School event
added CCD community service item to volunteer at the event - but 15yrs is too old. Going to email the contact person.
update BMW on Homepage
added summer camp event - flyer is under Pre-School
created june flocknote, plan to send May 22
archived old events
updated Blood Drive statement at the bottom of the page
Sent Flocknote for May
Added Pentecost
Removed 7, added 9 for BMW
Cleaned up Events
added Session 8 BMW
Working on Event Planning Jotform
Changed page for What's New on the Website & More... to be a tab section and split English and Spanish so Miriam/Maria Cristina/?? can see all changes quickly to their site.
Added to the Liturgical Resources page, in prep for explaining the Ascension. Will also be ready for future Holy Days. Will add other significant Feast days as I go, but wanted to at least get the Holy Days of Obligation in there.
Started prepping for May Flocknote. Have a link now for the Spanish Flocknote Message, so will send out as usual, then those that prefer Spanish can click that link. I will add a sign up in that message.
Added Communications Highlight item to homepage - focus on the bulletins and announcements.
Added button for The Easter Season
archived events that have passed
Subscription to [email protected] is working now. Spoke about it to Philomena. Want to document subscribing to a google group for both google and other email addresses, then will advertize.
For Divine Mercy Novena, trying to add powerpoint to website in a way that does not require mobile users to have to download a document.
Pdf requires download, as does any word or powerpoint doc.
Converting to word then html does not draw properly
Saving each slide to jpg then adding slide show module has some issues, but may be ok
Added Mass and Adoration events to calendar
Created "Communications Highlights" - so far, added:
Bulletin and Announcements
Created banners in prep for Easter Season and Communication Highlight, ready for after Divine Mercy Sunday
Updated Adoration Permanent Hour needs
removed Holy Week, added Are you ready for Divine Mercy Sunday
working with Google to get auto subscribe working for email lists like [email protected]
Created [email protected] - did not want to use flocknote because that means the lazarus folks have to go in there to create the note to send out rather than just using their own email to send to the group.
Once subscribe is working, will publicize.
Updated name, removed comma
Msgr prefers: Mary Mother of God Church
rather than: Mary, Mother of God Church
modified Blood Drive again, not to have banner followed by Blood Drive brochure image - too busy to read easily. Moved the banner and mission statement to below the blood drive dates.
Working with eCatholic to fix font for section tab body content. Fixed, I think. Will have to test to confirm.
modified in Design Studio
row and column for Blood Drive, changed from a table to columns for text. Added code to show two columns on PC, and stacked columns on mobile
also added code to modify tabs, they default to yellow txt with blue background, but on mobile have yellow txt on white which is hard to read. Changed section tab backgrounds to very light blue with dark blue txt. Displays well on both PC and mobile.
Used new tab design for both site map and CCD community service hours.
archived easter egg hunt event
Update Blood Drive Page
Remove Lent
button from banner on home pages
nav items under Mass Times
from the event items
Dynamic Catholic (next to events)
Add Octave of Easter button to banner on home pages
Update Be My Witness items
Updated banner for Octave, wanted it to be brighter.
Site Map Reformatted - now three tabs, English, Spanish and by category
update of Franciscan U webinars roll off past events
COMING SOON - add to home pages, already on ministry pages:
12/19 - 12/29:
cleaned up past events 12/23
Sent out January Flocknote 12/20
11/27 - 12/18:
volvo raffle results posted
updated the calendar section
added special banner since Immaculate Conception became a Holy Day of Obligation after all
archived marian feasts
added Novena of Aguinaldos
Removed signup for Children's Christmas Mass, they have too many signed up already
keeping calendar up to date
Added banner for Reconciliation
added photo albums, for All Souls Remembrance Mass and Mary our Patroness.
Added link to All Souls Remembrance Mass to Lazarus page.
Updated Franciscan U info
11/18 - 11/26:
changed "show more or less" button for calendar
added Christmas Tree map and list, set up two columns in tables, view is better, but does not work on phone moving second column beneath the first. Will play some more.
Moved copyright images and info to JotForms. Can search and categorize, but it does not allow for rich text for the description, so URLs are difficult to follow.
Advent is ready, resources and schedule
Sent out December Flocknote
Completely re-did the home pages
added a calendar section with links
moved Events and News beside this new section
moved up daily readings, Flocknote and News to below calendar items
calendar section will expand and collapse to show more or fewer entries
Catechetical Institute was left in place, but takes the full section
Prepped Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Caacupé, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Simbang Gabi
The Christmas Concert
Fixed Icon for FoT - in word format, so now I can just replace the background and month
Mass of Remembrance added
Removed Oct Franciscan Univ webcasts
Added St. John Vianney to relics area
Dec Holy Hour, ready, will appear 11/15
All Saints Letter from Msgr Joe
Thanksgiving Baskets for Youth Group
Rosary Altar Designer Bag Bingo
Flocknote sent on 10/22
Added November and December Franciscan U Spanish webinars
10/14 - 10/20:
Nov Holy Hour
All Saints Party
Updated Game Night to show it is to be rescheduled
Added Nov FoT
Flocknote updated, sent for review
Updated the Relics page to have copyright free image of St. Faustina
update of blood drive page to add giveaway, updated the events and put on home pages
update of Franciscan U webinars for October
added event and form for Veteran's Mass
Form for 70s/80s dance updated and online
Sent out October Flocknote
Added Halloween Pizza & Game Night
Added Spaghetti Dinner
Oct FoT events online
9/15 - 9/21
Prepping for Oct FoT - requested original artwork from Erica so I can make a thumbnail icon,
Updated Dinner Fundraiser to show orders are closed and when to pick up dinners
Finished updating Respect Life Calendar and Respect Life Website.
added Rosary Altar Events: Candlelight Rosary, Spaghetti dinner, Designer Bingo and Soup du Jour
last two are only on the Rosary Altar page for now.
added CYO registration, and Transitus
added 7 sorrows
added Christmas tree sales, updated form
added page for copyright and put link in footer, so it is on all pages
have been working to show copyright for all images, still in progress
Added Bereavement
Added Your Life, Your Legacy
Add March for Life
Added Franciscan Univ Free webinar info
added August and September Spanish webinar info on home page
Updated 1st Fri event
Added ALERT about closing Adoration August 9/10/11 due to heavy rains and flooding
updated Watch Mass Live area to have two buttons, both YouTube and Facebook to view livestream
update FoT to remove past Aug events
Sept Flocknote ready for review
JotForm for Dinner Fundraiser ready, added protein pasta
Sent out reminder about no Adoration Labor Day weekend.
Changed RCIA to OCIA
Do not have dates for Spanish OCIA
Update CRE Calendar
Remove Aug FoT and add September
added more pics:
Fr. Steven
Added FoT for August
School Supplies collection
Added relics pages
Added Fr. Steven's videos, need the pics, sent email
Prepped August Flocknote
Added FoT for July
6/24 - 6/30:
Flocknote for July ready for review, sent email
updated it from bulletin:
added additional office closures
added Mass for the Divine Child Jesus
added all the July FoT events
added next miracle
6/10 - 6/16:
took off June 6th FoT event
added link to Fr. Randy's 1st Mass in Photos
created July FoT - in coming up News area
put HOME event on home page
Put blood drive on home page
Added Quo Vadis with link to diocesan page
added Mass book info and form
6/3 - 6/9:
took off June 1st FoT event
5/27 - 6/2:
Took off BMW
Replaced Easter Season with communications highlight
updated Communications Highlights page
5/20 - 5/26:
Sent out Flocknote for June
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
5/13 - 5/19:
Baptismal Record Form done, on website
remove BMW session 11
Added Preschool/KE Open House
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
Faith on Tap for June
5/6 - 5/12:
BMW sessions 11&12
Added Eucharistic Miracle from bulletin
Added save the dates for ordinations and 6/21 celebration
4/29 - 5/5:
Created donation form for Appalachia Mission Work Camp
Added Multicultural Marian Exhibit event with link to form
Finished up flocknotes - sent
BMW sessions 10&11
updated BMW - sessions 9&10
With the set up Google Photos area, should ask if the Hispanic Community would like to set up a Photo Gallery as well.
4/15 - 4/21:
added info for West Virginia
updated BMW - sessions 8&9
Updated YG Famine event to show it is over, but can still be donated to.
Replace Octave of Easter with Eastertide
Update Events area
Add 30 Hour Famine, on home page, and YG page, including Form for CC payment
Updated the Eucharistic Revival to highlight the Eucharistic Congress.
Added BMW weeks 7 & 8
Replace large button with Octave of Easter, highlighting Divine Mercy Sunday.
Update Events area
Put note in BMW that next sessions will start after Easter
This weeks Eucharistic Miracle in the bulletin was already listed
Updated large button for Holy Week
Added two events: for Holy Week/Easter schedule & Divine Mercy Sunday
Updated the Lenten and Eucharistic Revival Home page buttons
Added link to Eucharistic Miracles Video tab on Home page (section next to Events)
Updated list of events under lenten schedule
Updated the dates for Bereavement on their webpage (English only) and in upcoming Flocknote. Added to events.
Added School Enrollment event.
2/25 - 3/2
CALENDAR CHANGES: added new tab called Calendar Guidelines here. Moved info from Proposed Changes tab.
Cleaned up Events and Lenten Scheduled Events - updated button on homepage
added Events - No First Fri Holy Hour, Reception of the Relic of St. Faustina, Night of Recollection, Faith on Tap, Easter Egg Hunt. (Comedy Night & Cursillo were already there)
Prepping April Flocknote - want to get it out early for Palm Sunday & Easter reminders
Added short Eucharistic Miracle videos to the Eucharistic Miracles Presentation page. Could be used for CRE.
Updated BMW to week 2 on homepage
Added Comedy Night info
Added link to Bordeaux miracle
Added Cursillo event
Added Lenten Mission to homepage
Updated Lent button - changed Ash Weds to upcoming weekend events., commented out Ash Wed from Lenten schedule
Added indented menu items for lent, holy week and Easter Octave - both schedule and resources
Removed request for Living Station Volunteers, both website and flocknote, per Maria Cristina
Sent March Flocknote on the 21st
Added KofC
Closed Adoration - info on homepage and under Adoration - also sent email to all Adorers
Pancake dinner postponed info one the website
2/2 - 2/6:
Added events:
Randy's Ordination
Diaper Drive
Pancake dinner
Boy Scout award
Blood Drive
Removed events:
BMW signup
Added Be My Witness to HOME page - session 1
Updated Stations on Lenten Schedule page - removed Spanish Stations and replaced with Practice, inviting people to join
Added Eucharistic Miracle Event, Night of Recollection and Penance Service to Lenten Schedule page
Added Button on Home Page for Lent
Sent out February Flocknote
Added links to Eucharistic Miracle Event
Cleaned up events
Added the Eucharistic Miracles to a tab in the Eucharistic Revival page
Added the Eucharistic Congress signup
Added Eucharistic Revival button for Home Page to replace the January Respect Life button
Cleaned up events
Prepping for Lent, checking links and dates on the schedules and resources, added to the menu for Mass Times
in the morning cleaned up homepage alert, and removed in the evening. Hid it for now, since another storm is coming.
added alert: Cancellations and closings banner on home page. Also updated calendars.
updated the Bereavement session dates
Added the Preschool/Pre-K/KE Open House to Home Page
Put up Faith on Tap for January
Msgr's trip to Guatemala - update on collections
Added new Communication Highlight - to explain Called Home, Lazarus & Bereavement
Added button on Home page for the Called Home, ... highlight
Added button for January Respect Life issues - 9 Days for Life, March in Washington and Day of Prayer
Turned Flocknote Communication Highlight into embed from html and was able to add iframe for rss flocknote feed.
Added No Adoration due to storm - flooding
update links under Respect Life, all working now, some had been broken
added Bereavement event
modified the 50/60s dance event - looks better
modified Merry Christmas button to now be both Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Added 9 Days for Life Novena Event along with listing other Jan activities (Vigil, March,...)
Update Respect Life Webpage
Christmas buttons, removed Advent
Cleaned up old events - pie fundraiser, removed Marian feasts
4th Sunday of Advent buttons
BMW added facilitator link to webpage and events
Sent out flocknote
*** Need to send update about the Epiphany Party
Prepping for BMW
Added 50s/60s form and events
Sent out preliminary FlockNote for January
Update to third Sunday of Advent
Changed the Calendars to be a tab section
updated the Be My Witness page and added event
Created Form for 50s/60s Dance - in review right now.
Updated Advent schedule page and prepping for 3rd Sunday of Advent
Updated 75th Anniv page, added picture of Quilt
archived past events, added Faith on Tap and moved Penance Service up.
Added flyer to Faith on Tap webpage
updated advent buttons to second Sunday, and advent resources.
Removed IC from Events.
12/5 & 6:
Added the Marian items - buttons and events
Added the Christmas Tree maps
Added the Letter of Invitation
Updated the calendar for December
Update to focus buttons - both are for Advent - one to point to schedules & resources, the other to highlight the week.
cleaned up events - archived past events.
Set up Advent button on Home page, updated Advent Schedule page and dates for Octave of Christmas
Enabled Advent, Christmas and Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God pages - schedules and resources
updated Calendars on the Homepage - including Hispanic Calendar
Using the marymotherofgod calendars now.
add Holy Land gifts to web page
sent out December Flocknote
sent out No Adoration Reminder email
Fixed Pie Sale confirmation email - pickup date was wrong.
cleaned up events, added new events through the Penance Service
removed 75th Anniv section, added 75th Anniv Mass to Events
removed the Christmas Tree signups, modified the form to display sales are closed in case anyone uses the QR code from somewhere
updated Nov feasts
added Advent Retreat
Finalizing FlockNote
added 4th invitation for Eucharistic Revival
added 3rd invitation for Eucharistic Revival, ready to unveil on Friday or Saturday
updated the Project Thanksgiving page with new dates. Added to home page, but will not display until November.
added examination of conscience to Información sobres Sacramentos web page, and Confession Times page.
added calendar raffle winners for this week.
Finishing up November Flocknote, sending to Maria Cristina, Miriam, Ana and Rafa
Will update Holy Day Mass times when confirmed.
displaying Eucharistic Revival for this weekend.
DD: changed highlights to two buttons plus 75th anniv on next row, a pic and description
DD: added festival photos
DD: added calendar raffle winners
DD: added new entrance photo
updated the feasts shown in feast button
now showing Oct 7/8 content for Eucharistic Revival
DD: add the calendar raffle to home page events
KL: added Oct 1 First Responder Mass photos to /photo-gallery
DD: Modified 75th Anniv Fall Fest request for volunteers to be that the Fall Fest is Saturday, kept the volunteer button and made it H2; also modified button to have FALL FESTIVAL info in red on either side of LOGO
Added Eucharistic Revival Webpage and info on the homepage as well
New page is https://marymotherofgod.org/avivamiento-eucaristico-nacional
Updated Site Map
Updated Respect Life with new theme from USCCB
Also updated the Help after Abortion section
Added the Volvo Raffle, updated signup genius Volvo Raffle Table SignUp, sent email to core
Added event to homepage
Updated Site Maps
Added new form for signing up for volunteering at the 75th Anniversary Fall Festival
Added event to homepage
Added CYO Registration Event, but registration is delayed until next weekend, added that in the event.
Put up No Adoration event on Home page and Adoration page
Added Heritage quilt page and also added it to the list of 75th Anniv events
Christmas tree sales - updated the jotform to take orders
Faith on Tap (in event and their page: https://marymotherofgod.org/faith-on-tap
updated blood drive page and events
added dinner fundraiser event to home page
added Assumption - Holy Day of Obligation to events on homepage
added 75th anniv page, linked to button on home page
made feast button for all of august
Sent August FlockNote
75th anniv button on home page, need to set up a web page for info
Mass Reading link to EWTN was not working - replaced it.
archived La Fiesta del Divino Niño Jesús
Update Respect Life Page, added Life Chain, 4-H Fair signups, Signups for the Year, the Pregnant Mother Prayer and other resources.
Replace Our Lady of Mt. Carmel with St. James the Greater - July 25
Added Faith on Tap, but mentioned the evening would be in English. Wanted to make sure they knew all in the age range were welcome.
replaced Sts. Peter & Paul button with Our Lady of Mt Carmel - July 16
added Food Pantry to events with list of school supplies needed
added image to the Divine Child Jesus event
Added Image to the St. Francis Hall contact info Event
Added next Solemnity - Sts. Peter & Paul
added links for full year of feasts/solemnities to EWTN information for those days - located under /recursos-liturgicos - listed the dates for feasts that move each year, i.e. Ash Weds, Easter, Pentecost,...
added to home page and /the-hillsborough-community the new Hillsborough Twp Health Survey
added graduating senior pic to info button and events. - put in link to the song "La Benedición"
On Home Page: Replaced Sacred and Immaculate Hearts with the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Added Day 5 pics for the Work Camp, updated home page button. Also added it to events to make sure people notice the updates.
updated the Work Camp page so people get to the pics quicker.
Replaced Corpus Christi button with Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. Created a page for this with links to info about each.
Added event for Rally in Trenton
Added Day 4 pics for the Work Camp, updated home page button.
Added Day 3 pics for the Work Camp, updated home page button.
add new button on homepage with info for the Appalachia Work Camp
Updated the Appalachia Work Camp page with picture and commented out the signup info. Just left the schedule with pics in there.
updated event listings on homepage - removed Patriots, removed Appalachian work camp, but plan on adding it to button highlight with updated pictures as the event happens. Msgr to send photos.
added Feast of Corpus Christi for button highlight
added Hispanic Flocknote to end of event listings
removed session 12 of BMW, kept link to BMW page for now
Cleaned up old events and added CCD Registration is June 1 - Aug 31.
Modified the "Did you know" Communication Highlight to reference Flocknote
Modified the Spiritual Highlight to be Pentecost.
Sent Spanish flocknote for review
updated Be My Witness to list end date of 5/27 for last session, put in link to webpage so people can go back and review videos, songs and readings.
Update communication highlight to have more links since it is in the bulletin this week.
added Midland School event
removed April 30th Blood drive event
update BMW on Homepage
added summer camp event
created june flocknote, plan to send May 22
added Miriam as group admin for the hispanic group
Using google translate links, I know google translate is not the best, but it is better than English, so for the Food Pantry link in the flocknote for example, I used:
i.e. despensa de alimentos. We can't use links like this on our site because once you open one link, it switches to translate mode then messes up every other google translate link it hits.
Easter Season button link was wrong, fixed it.
events updated, pre-Mother's Day plant sale added, not sure who added it.
Sent Flocknote for May - created Spanish Flocknote logo
Added Pentecost
Removed 7, added 9 for BMW
Cleaned up Events
added Session 8 BMW
Changed page of What's New on the Website & More... to be a tab section and split English and Spanish so Miriam/Maria Cristina/?? can see all changes quickly to their site.
Disabled /grupo-de-oracion - Carismático “María te invita conocer a Jesús”
Added to the Recursos Litúrgicos page, in prep for explaining the Ascension. Will also be ready for future Holy Days. Will add other significant Feast days as I go, but wanted to at least get the Holy Days of Obligation in there.
Added Communications Highlight item to homepage - focus on the bulletins and announcements.
Created Communication Highlights under BIEN VENIDA Y INFORMACIÓN -> Información General
Communication Highlights contains three tabs for now
Bulletins and Announcements
Spiritual Life
Added button for The Easter Season on Home Page
archived events that have passed
Created Hispanic Community Flocknote and will work on getting the hispanic community to join added sign-ups on both the Spanish Bulletins and Announcements page and the Flocknote tab for Communications Highlights.
Added FlockNote messages to Bulletins & Announcements page - translated April flocknote and added that for message.
updated Spanish sitemap to add Communications Highlights
removed Holy Week, added Are you ready for Divine Mercy Sunday
added session 7 for BMW to home page
added DM Holy Hour Event
Archived events that had passed
archived easter egg hunt event
fixed Spanish link for the Octave of Easter
Update Blood Drive Page includes Spanish blood drive events as well
Remove Lent
button from banner on home page
nav items under Mass Time
from the event item
Add Octave of Easter button to banner on home page
Update Be My Witness item
Updated banner for Octave, wanted it to be brighter.
For Youth Group, not sure what the 30 hour Fast will be raising funds for
On Feb 22 - there are two events in HSH - Hispanic Coffee Social and Bingo
Added a request for volunteers section in the flocknote (Inspired by Sunday's readings and Msgr's Homily)
Please let me know of items in this section of the flocknote you would like to have added or removed for your ministries
Hispanic Community - could you look over the online volunteer form and let me know what I should adjust, or add. I cannot remove content as the form is shared by both English and Spanish communities, but I can add, or modify what is there.
The General Mary Mother of God Church Calendar will be referred to as the MMoG Calendar
To reserve space prior to knowing all the details for an event, it should be added to the Private Events Calendar. It should then be moved to the appropriate calendar once all the details are ready.
To reserve space for an event that requires setup, manning the event and clean up after - In General:
Create one event on the appropriate ministry's calendar and reserve all spaces needed from start of setup through cleanup
If the actual event is open to the public, then on the MMoG Calendar create an entry that is just for the time that the actual event is taking place
Example: Pancake Dinner:
On the Rosary Altar Society Calendar you would create:
Event: Pancake Dinner - HSH/Kitchen - Setup through Cleanup
Date: March 4 - Time: 3:00PM - 8:00PM
Reserve HSH and HSH Kitchen
On the MMoG Calendar you would create:
Event: Pancake Dinner - HSH
Date: March 4 - Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
NO ROOM RESERVATION needed on this calendar since that is already taken care of.
Exceptions: It may be that an event lasts all weekend and needs certain rooms at certain times. Of course you would not want to then have one event that reserves all needed rooms for the entire event.
MMoG Calendar:
everyone at MMoG, plus any visitors, anyone in the area that might be interested in what is happening at our church - the General Population - would view the calendar
Should not contain events for closed groups that require joining,
Alerts and Highlights:
These are alerts for everyone - Preschool closings, CCD closings, Office being closed, Adoration canceled, ...
Away Calendar - Restricted Access Calendar:
for the office, clergy away status
Funeral & Memorial Masses/Services Calendar:
All public Funeral or Memorial Masses/Services
Private Funerals or Memorial Masses/Services can be placed on the Private Events Calendar in addition to the Priest Calendar if desired, but not necessary, as long as rooms are reserved on either calendar.
Hispanic Events Calendar:
Masses, Events, Meetings, that are for the Hispanic Community
Ministry/Group/Other Calendar:
events that are not open to everyone, events that are for a specific ministry or group
Preschool/KE, Religious Ed, Rosary Altar and Youth Group, have their own calendars, their events should not be listed on this calendar.
Offsite Activities:
used to display when we have offsite events - i.e. Youth Group retreat, and also to highlight offsite events that might be of interest to our parish - i.e. Diocesan Events, events are churches around us.
Plant Management -Restricted Access Calendar:
has not been used, but it should be used by facilities to track maintenance.
Private Events - only viewable by staff - needed to be able to book rooms for these events.
Children's Religious Ed Calendar:
Contains Religous Ed classes and any special events: Confirmation, 1st Holy Communion, Penance Services, Home School meetings, retreats, ...
Dcn Chris likes to have the special events on the MMoG Calendar as well.
Special Events should be duplicated to the School (Rooms) Calendar and room reservations for special events should go there.
Respect Life Calendar:
for Respect Life events - managed by the Respect Life Group
Rosary Altar Society Calendar:
All Rosary Altar Society Events
Rosary Altar Society fundraisers should go on the MMoG Calendar for the event itself, and on the Rosary Altar Society Calendar for the event, setup and cleanup, plus room reservations.
School Calendar:
Contains Preschool, PreK, and KE classes and events.
Special events should be duplicated to the School (Rooms) Calendar and room reservations for special events should go there.
School (Rooms) Calendar - Restricted Access Calendar:
For the protection of the students, the school staff requested that their calendar not show room information. All school and religious events should be duplicated to this calendar and the room reservations needed should be made here.
Youth Group:
for Youth Group specific events.
Events such as offsite retreats should be on their Youth Group Calendar, and may also be added to the Offsite Activities Calendar as well, but no room reserved. The only reason to add it to the Offsite Activities Calendar would be so that the general population would be aware that the Youth Group was doing something special and perhaps keep them in prayer.
Youth Group fundraisers should go on the MMoG Calendar for the event itself, and on the Youth Group Calendar for the event, setup and cleanup, plus room reservations.
the Mary Mother of God Church Calendar
Hispanic Calendar
Offsite Activities
U.S. Catholic Green, Violet, White and Red Calendars for Daily Mass
GENERAL CALENDAR PLUS: Ministries/Groups/Other Events displays:
the Mary Mother of God Church Calendar
Hispanic Calendar
Offsite Activities Calendar
Respect Life
Rosary Altar Society Calendar
Youth Group Calendar
Ministries, Groups and Other Activities Calendar
Hispanic Events Calendar displays:
Hispanic Calendar
Funeral & Memorial Masses/Services displays:
Funeral & Memorial Masses
Preschool & KE Calendar displays:
ALERTS & HIGHLIGHTS (for notifications of No School, School Closings and such)
School Calendar
Children's Religious Education Calendar displays:
ALERTS & HIGHLIGHTS (for notifications of No Religious Ed, Religious Ed Closings and such)
Children's Religious Ed
Rosary Altar Society Calendar displays:
Rosary Altar Society
Youth Group Calendar displays:
Youth Group
Ministry Assignments displays:
This tab contains a button to bring up the full Mass Assignment schedule
Office Restricted displays:
the button at the top of the page: Room Calendars Webpage
brings up a webpage for viewing all booked rooms, color coded