Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer Catholic lay, national, and international organization where men and women strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. This commitment follows in the tradition of the Society's founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
In our Mary Mother of God Parish, the Society members witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. People are helped during emergencies, sudden crises, and financial difficulty by having their problems addressed with understanding and mutual respect. Appropriate plans of action are determined so that working together reasonalbe solutions can be broached. All with attenion to privacy and individual needs.
There are many needs to be addressed including housing and utility assistance, job training and placement, access to food and clothing, transportation, and home management. If you are overwhelmed by these and other issues, please call the parish office for assistance. A Society member will meet with you.
Each year the Mary, Mother of God Parish conducts a Fall collection for our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
1st Saturday Food Pantry in New Brunswick
MMOG mans the pantry every 1st Saturday that the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry in New Brunswick is open. We need a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 people for things to run smoothly. If you are interested in helping with this you may click here to join the mailing list, or simply sign up for a weekend. How often you attend is completely up to you. It is helpful if you sign-up ahead of time using the "Volunteer for a weekend..." form to make sure there is space on the date you wish to participate. We send out an email to the mailing list, and anyone that has signed up for the upcoming weekend about 1 week prior to each 1st Saturday with a status on how many have signed up so far, asking for additional volunteers if needed. Directions and notes on what to expect can be found here.
7th and 8th Graders may attend 1st Saturday Food Pantry and apply the time spent towards their service hours for Confirmation. The form for recording hours should be brought with them: Service Hours form for 7th & 8th Grade.