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Overview of changes to the EM Instructions Guidelines - Mary, Mother of God Instructions for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
The changes to the various sections of the EM Instructions Guidelines document are noted below...
1) Section 2 - TerminologyThe terms Lavabo Bowl and Offertory Table were added to the Terminology section of the EM Guidelines document. These are the proper names for Finger Bowl and Gift Table respectively.
2) Section 3 - Scheduling
While I know that all of our ministers are very conscientious about their assignments, there are times when events out of our control will cause someone to miss thier assignment. Since it takes time to find a replacement, we should start looking for someone 5 minutes prior to the start of Mass. Please do not expect to serve if you arrive late, although if no replacements were found, you may still be required to serve.
Keep in mind that at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, if you are visiting the homebound, nursing homes or assisted living centers, finding a replacement for this assignment is extremely difficult. Please make every effort to arrive early if serving in this capacity. If you cannot make this assignment, please put out a sub request, but follow up with phone calls if needed to ensure you have a replacement.
3) Section 6 - Sacristan
a) There is a safe in the working/lower sacristy whose purpose it is, is to hold the vessels used at Mass. The safe also holds the keys to the Tabernacles.
b) There are three new ciboria that are specifically used to hold gluten-free hosts. They are small, about the size of a pyx, and they attach to the side of the usual ciboria that are used during Mass. A picture can be seen in the EM Guidelines document. There should be one of these new ciboria in each Tabernacle. The chapel Tabernacle should have 2 or 3 consecrated gluten-free Hosts in it. The church Tabernacle should have 4 to 5 consecrated gluten-free Hosts in it. If the count is low, use the third gluten-free ciborium, which should be located in the working/lower sacristy pyx drawer to consecrate more gluten-free hosts. Wash your hands before handling the gluten free hosts. There are unconsecrated gluten-free hosts located in the second drawer of the chest of drawers in the working/lower sacristy, and in the cupboard to the right of the sink in the vesting/upper sacristy. The gluten-free ciborium containing the unconsecrated hosts should be placed on the offertory table prior to the start of Mass. After Mass, if Father or the Deacon did not already do this, combine the gluten-free Hosts into one of the ciboria, purify the remaining ciborium if no Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion is present, and return the gluten-free ciborium to the pyx drawer.
c) The EM Guidelines document contains pictures in section 6 showing the preferred chalice for each Priest.
d) The setup chalice should now have 3 corporals placed on the top. The Priest or Deacon will decide how many they would like to use. The corporals may be used at the next Mass, or put back in the linen drawer unless the need cleaning.
e) At 9:00 a.m. Mass, when preparing the pyx tray for the Mass, close the lids but do not latch them. Father will need to open each pyx for the consecration.
4) Section 7 - Start of Mass Checklist
There are candles on either side of the Tabernacle, either side of the Altar and either side of the Ambo. Please make sure all are lit prior to start of Mass.
5) Section 8 - Mass
a) During the Entrance Procession, after passing the pew closest to the Altar, move off to the side immediately and return to your seat. We no longer wait until Father kisses the Altar to return to our pew.
b) We would like to have the EMs distributing Holy Communion line up before and after distribution a little closer to the sanctuary. Each floor tile is 1 foot. It would be easier if everyone lined up along the third tile from the bottom step. This location allows you to turn and walk directly to and from the left side of the Altar. We usually stand farther back and then the entire line needs to maneuver around the front pew on the left.
c. Just a reminder that we should not be adding any words during distribution of Holy Communion. We should just say "The Body of Christ" or "The Blood of Christ". We should not add peoples names to our words.
d. If you are distributing the Most Precious Blood, then when distribution is over, step down from the bottom step; Turn to face the Altar; Consume the remaining Precious Blood; Go up the sides steps into the sanctuary and return the communion cup to the Priest or Deacon. If you could not consume what was left, still return to the Altar by the left side steps, return the communion cup to Father or the Deacon, and let them know they will need to finish the remaining Precious Blood.
e. If you are distributing the Body of Christ, and you feel like you have particles of the Host on your fingers, you may wash your fingers in the ablution cup located on the credence table. Let the sacristan know after Mass, so they can clean the ablution cup.
6) Section 9 - Sacristan Cleanup After Mass
a. Gently wash vessels after Mass after Mass in the sacrarium. Just use plain water.
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