•100 people completed the survey
•100 people attended the Listening Session
•You shared that:
•Over 88% think our parish helps you to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ
•Over 89% think our parish provides a strong sense of community
•74% think we are welcoming parish to visitors and new members
•The listening sessions were a wonderful way for Msgr. Joe to hear how the parish continues to strengthen your faith life but also to hear how we can become a stronger and more vibrant parish. Although 44% of people communicated that they feel we do a good job at encouraging them as Catholic’s and walk with them, there are still many ways discovered we can grow.
•Over the remaining weeks of Summer, Msgr Joe will continue to discern the responses and also provide some of his own personal reflections. These reflections will be shared via Flocknotes, the bulletin, and our website. Beginning in September, Msgr Joe will also being to share what are some ‘next steps’ he will take as a result of what you have shared with him.
More information upcoming.